Web Design


What you'll learn
 Build HTML-based mobile apps
 Bid for projects on freelance websites
 Be a comfortable front-end developer
 Build websites and webapps

What you will learn?
 Build websites and webapps
 Build HTML-based mobile apps
 Get a job as a junior web developer
 Bid for projects on freelance websites
 Start their own online business
 Be a comfortable front-end developer
 Be proficient with databases and server-side languages

1. HTML5
a. Introduction
b. Your first web page
c. Structure
d. Tags
i. Formatting
ii. Header
iii. List



iv. Images
v. Forms
vi. Tables
vii. Audio & Videos
viii. IFrames

2. CSS 3
a. Introduction
b. What is css
c. Inline css
d. Internal Css
e. Class & IDs
f. Div
g. Colors
h. Float
i. Positioning
j. Margins
k. Padding
l. Border
m. Fonts
n. Styling and Aligning text
o. External CSS

3. JavaScript


a. Introduction
b. What is JavaScript
c. Internal JavaScript
d. Accessing Elements
e. Responding to a click
f. Changing websites content
g. Manipulating Style with JavaScript
h. Variables
i. Arrays
j. If statements
k. Loops
l. Functions
m. External JavaScript

4. jQuery
a. introduction
b. What is jQuery
c. Use of it
d. Detecting A Click
e. Changing Websites Content & Styles
f. Fading Content
g. Animating Content
h. Ajax
i. Regular Expression


j. And many more...

5. Bootstrap 4
a. Introduction
b. What is Bootstrap
c. First Bootstrap Site
d. The Grid System
e. Introducing navbars
f. Forms & Tables
g. Bootstrap Components
h. Modals, Popovers, Tooltips
i. ScrollSpy
 No pre-knowledge is required - enthusiasm is all you need!
 A PC or Mac is required
 No software is required in advance of the course (all software used in the course is

Course Reviews - 3


Freelancer Nasim

I highly suggest this course.


Mark Zuckerburg

Ahha aida akta awesome course


Bill Gates

I learned about programming from this course back then

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