• Basic Concept on Web Design (especially: HTML/CSS/JS)
• Able to design a website
y S Faisal Amin
1. Introduction To Php
a. Overview To Php
b. Server And Fundamental Setup
c. Variables, Arrays & Loops
d. Function & Conditionals
e. Quiz
2. MySQL
a. Introduction to MySQL
b. Connecting to a database
c. Retrieving data from database
d. Inserting and updating data
e. Looping through a data
f. Session Variables
g. Cookies
h. Storing Password Security
i. Quiz
3. OOP Fundamentals
a. Overview
b. Class & Methods
c. Properties & Visibility
d. __get__ & __set__ Magic Methods
e. Class Inheritance
4. Advanced OOP
a. Introduction
b. Static Properties & Methods
c. Abstract Classes & Methods
d. Autoloading Classes & Final Keyword
e. Object Iteration
f. Quiz
5. OOP & Databases
a. Introduction
b. PDO Database Class & Connection
c. Fetching Data
d. Inserting Data
e. Updating and Deleting Data
f. Quiz
• Clear concept on php, and MySQL
• Basic concept on OOP Programming
6. Laravel
a. What is Laravel
b. Enviroment Setup
c. Install Laravel
d. Website Preview
e. Routes, Views & Layouts
f. Compiling Assets
g. Contact Form
h. Controllers & Validation
i. Model, Database & Migration
j. Pulling Data From DB
k. Quiz
7. To do list
a. Introduction
b. Index Page
c. Show Page & Includes
d. Saving Tools
e. Edit & Update Tools
f. Delete Tools
g. Quiz
8. Business Listings
a. Introduction
b. Authentication
c. Dashboard User Listings
d. Create Listings
e. Edit Listings
f. Delete Listings
g. Public Listing Pages & Access Control
h. Quiz
9. Projects
a. E-commerce
b. Photo Gallery
What you'll learn
✓ Build websites and webapps
✓ Get a job as a junior web developer
✓ Understand the concepts behind object-oriented PHP
✓ Learn how to deal with RDBMS within OOPS framework
✓ Learn real word programming concepts
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