Windows – Local Environment Setup
- Installing PHP development environment IDE install
- Composer
- Git
- Creating a Laravel project
- Virtual Hosts
- Opening a project in the IDE
Laravel Fundamentals
- Laravel Structure Overview Routing
- Middleware
- Laravel Request Lifecycle
Laravel Fundamentals – MVC & Other
- Controllers
- Models
- Views
- Library
- Helper
- Artisan
- Encryption
- Session
- Service Container, Facades
Laravel Fundamentals – Laravel Blade templating engine
- Master layout setup
- Some more blade features
Laravel Fundamentals – Database – Laravel Migrations
- Environment configurations
- Migrating
- Creating migration and dropping them
- Adding columns to existing tables using migrations
- Some more migration commands
Laravel Fundamentals – Query builder
- Inserting data Reading Data
- Updating Data Deleting Data
- Joining Query
Laravel Fundamentals – Database – Eloquent / ORM
- Reading Data
- Reading / Finding with Constraints More ways to retrieve data
- Inserting / Saving Data
- Eloquent Relationship
Project: Create a basic ecommerce site with Laravel.
- Create Admin Panel
- Category Management Product Management Order Listing
- User Role & Permission
- Payment history
Front End
- Home Page with Product Listing.
- Search Product
- Shopping Cart
- Checkout
- Payment Method Integration (Paypal, Stripe)
- Ajax
- Vue JS